8 things customers want from customer service

8 things customers want from customer service

There’s a certain quality of customer service that customers expect to receive from your business - and aiming to meet and exceed that level should be the goal for any successful company.

With consumers having an ever-growing choice of companies to purchase from, good customer service can be the key ingredient for helping businesses stay ahead of the competition.

So, what do customers actually want from customer service?

We’ve broken down the key elements that make up exceptional customer service with tips on how you can adapt your operations to satisfy customers and improve your brand advocacy.


1. A personalised experience

Customer service isn’t a one size fits all solution!

Every call, email, message and consumer interaction will be unique and the customer will expect their enquiry to be addressed in a personalised way.

Companies opting to use scripted or generic responses can make customers feel undervalued. In addition, more complex support cases may be left unsolved when the scripted service isn’t able to assist with their specific issue.

On the other hand, personalisation demonstrates that a company values their customers and cares about every caller’s individual needs. A customer service strategy that doesn’t rely too much on scripts and instead focuses on the unique requirements of the customer is essential.

As an outsourced contact centre, we always ensure we deliver a personalised service for every business we represent.


2. Human-to-human connection

We all know the frustrations of contacting a company and having to jump through hoops before being connected to an actual human.

To save time, companies often adopt Interactive Voice Response systems to correctly organise incoming calls and connect customers to the right department. However, these can be challenging for customers if the process is too lengthy or tedious.

Even though automations can be an effective way to streamline your operations, it’s always important to keep that human touch which ensures your customers receive a genuine connection from your business.

If you don’t have the resources, outsourcing your customer services can be an excellent way to make sure your customers are still being connected to a human.


3. Quick response time

No one wants to wait on hold when contacting a company - especially if the request is urgent!

Whether reaching out via phone, email, chat or social media, customers expect a quick response to their enquiries. Even if you’re experiencing a spike in call volume due to seasonal variations, it’s still vital to promptly address every customer to ensure your service standard remains high.

Utilising outsourced overflow customer support services, as offered by us here at OpenContact, can be the ideal way to ensure your response time is suitable and every customer is spoken to – especially during busy peak seasons.


4. Accessibility and availability

Consumers expect to be able to easily reach companies in ways that are most convenient for them.

Plus, not everyone is able to make a phone call within the 9 to 5 hours.

So, limited options, restricted opening hours or difficult-to-find contact details can be significant sources of frustration.

A proactive company will have a customer service number that is operational even outside of standard business hours. There should also be multiple contact options available, such as phone, email, live chat and social media.

At OpenContact, we provide omni/multi-channel support to help businesses operate across multiple platforms and ensure they meet their customers’ needs. We also offer out of hours support to give more call availability for customers and make sure no call is missed.


5. Consistency across channels - with no repetition!

No one wants to repeat themselves!

When contacting a company, consumers often become frustrated when having to repeat themselves after being endlessly transferred to different departments.

If a customer explains their issue to a live chat and then is transferred to a phone call, they will expect the representative to already be aware of the ongoing query. Asking them to explain themselves again is likely to cause more annoyance for customers seeking help.

Consider using an integrated system where your support staff can easily store, access and share customer enquiries or details in order to streamline incoming calls and get better outcomes.

Here at OpenContact, we already have all the necessary equipment and infrastructure to effectively provide a seamless customer service experience.


6. Issues heard and solutions found

Customers aren’t calling for a catch up; they need assistance and quick-fix solutions.

This may seem obvious, but consumers hope to come to a suitable resolution after finishing their contact with a customer support rep!

Providing customers with links to informative guides or webpages as a solution can be largely unhelpful. They expect their issues to be heard, understood and appropriately followed up by a helpful member of staff, rather than dealing with the issue themselves.

Instead, companies should strive towards assisting their calling customers with only relevant information, in addition to providing a solution for their problem. Not all issues can be solved in one call, so it’s important to reassure the customer, confirming their issue is heard and an investigation is in motion.


7. Speaking to staff that are knowledgeable and helpful

When contacting a business, customers want to speak to helpful members of your team that are knowledgeable about the company’s products and services.

Training representatives on how to handle calls in a helpful manner, while also coaching them on all the specific details of your operations, is essential to good customer service which leaves consumers satisfied.

If you do not have the resources to suitably train your staff, using an outsourced customer support team is an excellent way to gain access to an already well-trained team who can learn the ins and outs of your business.


8. Service with a smile

It doesn’t cost anything to be kind!

A simple smile and a friendly voice can go a long way across all aspects of life, but it’s especially important for a customer-facing business.

When a customer is connected to a member of your team, a pleasant greeting sets the right tone for the conversation and can simmer down even the most frustrated customers.

A conversation with a customer can be the make or break for whether they leave your business or come back for more as a loyal customer – meaning it’s always best to approach them with empathy.

At OpenContact – as a friendly, flexible and professional inbound call centre – we always deliver our customer support services with a smile!


Exceed customer expectations with outsourced customer support services

Customers expect quality customer service - and we can help you exceed their expectations with our outsourced customer contact management services.

OpenContact provides a wide range of services for businesses in a variety of sectors which can be tailored to your needs, such as total customer contact management, inbound call handling and more.

If you’d benefit from expert support with your inbound customer service, get in touch today to find out more.